
Moving home is a perfect opportunity to assess your personal inventory and have a good old fashioned clear out.

Having less clutter in your new abode will help when the real work begins – unpacking.

So whether you are downsizing, upsizing or same sizing be ruthless and get rid of those unwanted items. You may even raise some money in the process and save on boxes and removal costs/storage.

Here are our top 5 tips for decluttering:

1. Set a date, at least two weeks before you move, make it a time when you will have no distractions. Peak     productivity is normally reached when working alone.

2. One room at a time, parting with possessions can be an overwhelming task, concentrate on only one room in any one day.

3. Clothes (The four season rule) There is a simple rule to follow when decluttering your wardrobe. If you haven’t worn it for the last four seasons then you probably never will again. To the charity shop or boot sale, this will give you more room for next seasons “in”

4. Make two piles, one for the “definitely going” and one for the “maybes” you might want to make a list of the “definitely out” pile to remind yourself of the decision you made.

5. Paperwork and Files. We all have to go through our paperwork and correspondence once in a while. Do this before you move, no sense in taking unneeded letters and bills.

Remember decluttering is freeing and healthy for the mind which serves well for a healthy spirit thus handling the stress of moving house that much better.